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Sample of lease agreement

                                             LEASE AGREEMENT

THIS LEASE AGREEMENT is made this    day of  ………….. ,  2012
 of P. O. Box 3634    Dar Es salaam (hereinafter called “The Lessor”) of the one part;

..    of P. O. Box  …….Dar Es salaam    (hereinafter called “the Lessee”) of the other part.

WHEREAS, the Lessor is the registered beneficial owner of  two  office premises/frames  located at ...  , Morogoro road    , Ilala  Municipality in Dar Es salaam , (hereinafter as “the premises”);

AND WHEREAS the Lessee has agreed to rent the said premises for official     purposes  for a term of   two  (2) years   effective from ……………………… to ..............................   .

NOW THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION of the rent hereinafter reserved and of the covenants and conditions herein stipulated and on the part of the Lessee to be observed and performed, the Lessor hereby leases  unto theLessee, the premises together with all fixtures and fittings .


1.  The lease shall take effect from ........................ to ........................  and shall subsist for two    years.
2.   The monthly rent shall be  ………………………..…….  (.............../=)   .
3.   That on the execution of this lease agreement  Lessor has paid (6) months rent  in advance, which amounts to …………..  ...................  (................./=) .
4.   That after the expiration of the six months rent paid in advance , the lessee shall be obliged to pay one year rent in advance which is equivalent to ……………………………….

5.    One month prior to the expiry of the two years lease  term herein created by this lease, the Lessee  may express its desire to renew the lease on a period to be agreed by the parties hereto and on such terms and conditions as the parties may NEGOTIATE and AGREE on the issue of renewal.


    1. To occupy and use the existing structure  for official    purposes only.
    1. To maintain, and otherwise keep in good and tenantable condition the structures of the building and in particular the roofs, foundations and walls thereof.
    1. To pay the Lessor the agreed rent as aforementioned in the manner above provided.
    1. To pay and discharge all fees for sanitary removal, all rates and charges for use of water, electricity and , security guard if any, in respect of the demised premises during the tenure of the tenancy. 
    1. At all times to keep the interior of the demised premises and appurtenances thereof including doors, windows and other fittings, water drains and other pipes, electrical systems and services therein, paintings and decorations thereof in good condition .
    1. Not to make any structural alterations or additions to the  premises , whether interior or exterior of  the demised premises, without first obtaining the written consent of the Lessor. If such consent shall be given, any cost involved in fixing any such item will be at the Lessee’s own cost; and any damage to the exterior or interior of the demised premises, as a result of such alteration and/or fixing of such items, will be repaid by the Lessee.
    1. Not to install or connect any electrical apparatus that might endanger or overload the electrical installation of the demised premises or any part thereof.
    1. To keep the premises clean and tidy at all times.
    1. Not to transfer, assign, sublet or part with possession of all or any part of the demised premises without the consent of the Lessor.
    1. Not to use the demised premises in a way which would create annoyance or nuisance or any danger to the public, neighbours or adjoining lessee(s) or in any way interfere with the quietness  and comfort of other neighbours.
    1. On the expiration or sooner determination of the term hereby created, to deliver up the demised premises to the Lessor, with all locks, keys and fasteners together with the Lessor’s fixtures and fittings therein complete, in good repair and tenantable condition (only reasonable wear and tear, earthquake and lighting exempted). It should be emphasized that damage by ordinary fire arising from electrical fault or any other cause other than lightning is not exempted.
    1. At the determination of the term herein created, to quietly yield up the  premises, together with all fittings and fixtures, in such good tenantable repair and condition as shall be, in accordance with the covenants in that behalf, on the part of the Lessee herein contained.

                 (c)    That the Lesseeperforming his obligations hereinto shall peaceably hold and enjoy the demised premises without any interruption by the Lessor or those claiming through or under his title

3. Interpretation & Governing Law
That this lease agreement shall be interpreted and governed in accordance with the Laws of the United Republic of Tanzania .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have dully executed this Agreement in the manner and on the day and year hereinafter appearing:

SEALED and DELIVERED at Dar Es Salaam by the said                  
 who is known to                                                                                 ]
 me personally/has been identified                                                      ]        
 to me by the latter being                                                                      ]  LESSOR
 known to me personally in my                                                            ]          
presence this……….day of ………….. 2012                                               ]                                                                                              

Postal address:………………………………..



Postal address:………………………………..


 by the said                                                                         ]                      
 in my presence                                                                       ] LESSEE
this ……………day of ……….. 2012                                                          


Postal address:……………………………….


Postal address:……………………………….

Drawn and filed by: