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The Tanzanian local government system


No political system is considered complete and democratic if it does not have a system of local government. Black’s Law Dictionary defines Local government as the government of particular locality such as a city or country; a governing body at a lower level than the state government[1]. Concise Oxford English Dictionary defines local government as the administration of a particular country or district, with representatives elected by those who live there[2]. From these definitions we can say that, local government is an administrative body for a small geographic area such as a city, town, country or state. This means, a local government will typically only have control over their specific geographical region and cannot pass or enforce laws that will affect a wider area. Local government can elect officials, enact taxes, and do many other things that a national government would do just on a smaller scale.


The Tanzanian local government system is based on political devolution and decentralisation of functions and finances within the frame work of unitary state[3]. Local governments have the responsibility for social development and public service provision within their jurisdiction, facilitation of maintenance of law and order and issue of national importance such as education, health, water, roads and agriculture[4]. In 1996, the government of Tanzania set out its vision for decentralization by devolution. The vision is being actualized by the local government reform programme which is intended to allow local government administration to become more autonomous, have a strong financial and human resources base, operation a transparent and accountable manner. The constitution of Tanzania mentions the general function of local government, stating that local government must perform the functions of local government within its area to ensure the enforcement of law and public safety of the people, consolidate democracy within its area and apply it to accelerate the development of people[5].

There are differences role of local government in Tanzania, one of the roles is that, local government play an important role in the delivery of public services in Tanzania. The local government authorities has the role to speed up the formalization process and make it fast, simple in case of delivering any public services. For example in the issue of MKURABITA, the district, town/municipal council were identified in the implementation arrangements to be the key implementers of both land and business administration issues in their areas.

Another role is that, local government is responsible for ensuring the proper management of the finance of the local authorities, to increase accountability at the council level, local authorities shall have the right and obligation to formulate, approve and execute their budgets and plans. Also to make available to the public about council finances monitor’s local expenditures and revenue collections to ensure that local budgets are implemented or executed as planned.

The delivery of local police, health and health care services, local government has contributed much for the maintenance of peace and security to local people. For example introduction of SUNGUSUNGU and other primary care trusts are insufficiently accountable to local people.

Furthermore, local government be used as training ground for political leadership, local government is essential as it provides training ground for political leadership, especially for those intending to venture into the arena of national politics[6]. For example the Member of Parliament for Bukoba rural area Rv. Rweikiza was once the chairman of Msuguri suburb, but now member of the parliament.      
Moreover, people look at local authorities not as their institutions but as central government organs. The government, for its part, treats local authorities like tools created for its use and disposal. For this reason, local government has been used to try out and experiment with new ideas and practises and sometimes rather adventurous policy decisions.

In additional, the role of councillor under local government is to work with other council members to set the overall direction of the municipality through their role as a policy maker. The policies that the council set are the guidelines for administration to follow as it does the job of running a municipality. A councillor will spend a lot of time while on council creating new policies and programs or reviewing the current ones to make sure they are working as they should
Tanzania has a two tier system of government, the central government and local governments. Local government are either urban authority (city, municipal and town councils). This makes the country strong, effective and democratic system. 


Garner B, Black’s Law Dictionary 8th edition, Thomson Business, USA, 2004, 716.
Soanes C, Concise Oxford English Dictionary 11th edition, Oxford University, New York, 2004, 836.
The United Republic of Tanzania, Ministry of Regional Administration and Local    Government, Policy paper on local government Reform, 1998, 5.
The Constitution of United Republic of Tanzania 1977 amended time to time, Article 146.   http//www.updetd.up.ca.za/thesis/submitted/etd.com, accessed on 23 October 2013.

[1] B. Garner, Black’s Law Dictionary 8th edition, Thomson Business, USA, 2004, 716.
[2] C. Soanes, Concise Oxford English Dictionary 11th edition, Oxford University, New York, 2004, 836.
[3] The United Republic of Tanzania, Ministry of Regional Administration and Local Government, Policy paper on local government Reform, 1998, 5.
[4] Idem
[5]The Constitution of United Republic of Tanzania 1977 amended time to time, Article 146. 
[6] https//www.updetd.up.ca.za/thesis/submitted/etd.com, accessed on 23 October 2013.